04/03/2024 Qblog: action caritative sur QoQa (French)
19/10/2021 C’è un po’ di Ticino nel nuovo istituto che si occupa di malattie rare, Corriere del Ticino
01/07/2018, Sans fausse note, Vétrozspective
01/05/2018, Biobanking Expands into Research Services, Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News
28/02/2018, La recherche sur les maladies orphelines attire peu de financements, RTS INFO
15/07/2017, Le Temps: Sur Internet, on se soigne grâce aux dons
01/07/2017, InVivo Magazine Maladies rares mieux connues et reconnues
04/11/2016, Tribune de Genève: Rencontre avec Sergio Bianchini – Dans le sillage de “Papillon” (I AM RARE)
21/03/2016, Tout l’immobilier: Une soirée joyeuse pour lutter contre les maladies rares
21/03/2016, Tout l’immobilier: Entretien avec le Dr. Menzel: «Les maladies rares concernent une personne sur quinze»
28/02/2016, The independent: Turning point for rare disease research
28/09/2015, Ninja Marketing “Olivier Menzel: quando il digitale diventa una leva di crowdfunding per le malattie rare”
15/01/2014, HEC Magazine: Se manager pour manager la santé – Olivier Menzel
08/06/2013, Le monde économique: SOIRÉE “RARE NIGHT” Des idées rares, des gens rares pour une cause rare !
06/03/2013, L’Illustré: Les Gens – Générosité rare
03/03/2013, Le Matin Dimanche: Une soirée rare était donnée en faveur des maladies rares. Un gala en or pour BLACKSWAN
01/04/2012, Newsletter de la faculté de médecine, Université de Genève: “Maladies rares: 1 personne sur 17”
13/09/2011, Ticino Welcome: “Vogliamo adottare le malattie orfane”
22/02/2011, Cooperazione (Coop) – Incontri: Un biologo dall’animo nobile”
22/02/2011, Schweizer Gesundheit “Zahlreiche seltene Krankheiten sind vererbbar”
22/02/2011, Tages Anzeiger – MediaPlanet: “Selten, aber nicht allein” (voir page 1 et 10)
01/02/2011, Pulsations (Journal des Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève): “Focus sur les maladies rares”
11/11/2010, La Repubblica: “Design: L’identità visiva della Fondazione BLACKSWAN”
24/05/2019, AKU Society Blog: RE(ACT) Congress America 2019 – Toronto
20/02/2017, Wonderbaby.org: Leaving no one ‘LCA patient’ behind: Rare Diseases International policy event
09/03/2014, Checkorphan.org: Rare Disease Research Focus, Non-research the Story
07/03/2014, AKU Society Blog: RE(ACT) Congress Take Two
16/11/2010, Baseline magazine’s photo
14/11/2010, Misstypo Graphic Design + Typography
12/06/2018 Médicament : quand le prix s’envole, les patients souffrent, A Bon Entendeur RTS Un
28/02/2018, La Matinale, l’invité Dr Olivier Menzel du 5h-6h30: première partie – deuxième partie RTS la 1ère
05/10/2017, Malattie (non così) rare, Modem, RSI
23/02/2016, Intervista di Olivier Menzel, Albachiara, RSI
21/11/2013, Interview of Olivier Menzel on One FM
01/12/2010, Interview of Olivier Menzel at the World Orphan Drug Congress in Geneva
Epalinges, 5/10/2021: Foundation of the RE(ACT) Discovery Institute
Vuarrens, 15/01/2021: We amplify collective action for research on rare and orphan diseases #RAREvolution (RE(ACT) Congress 2021)
Geneva, 15/05/2019: We amplify collective action for research on rare diseases #RAREvolution (RE(ACT) Congress AMERICA 2019)
Geneva, 19/03/2018: Collaboration is the key towards success in rare diseases research #RAREvolution (RE(ACT) Congress 2018)
Geneva, 10/02/2017: Rare Diseases International Policy Event – The right to health: the rare disease perspective.
Geneva, 17/11/2016: RE(ACT)x Switzerland: We Care for Rare – Symposium devoted to Swiss Translational Science on Rare Diseases.
Barcelona, 17/03/2016: Collaboration is the key towards success in rare diseases research #RAREvolution (RE(ACT) Congress 2016)
Basel, 07/03/2014: Rare diseases: growing interest from research and industry (RE(ACT) Congress 2014).
Basel, 02/03/2012: Rare diseases: patients and researchers must work together more closely (RE(ACT) Congress 2012).
Geneva, 28/02/2010: The inception of the Swiss Foundation in support of research for Rare and Orphan Diseases.