
23 Jan 2020
BLACKSWAN Foundation @ the WEF
The BLACKSWAN Foundation was invited to the World Economic Forum 2020 #WEF20 to support the NCCR "AcceleRARE" project. AcceleRare is an emp...
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05 Jun 2019
Daniel Lozakovich’s concert in favor of our Foundation
The BLACKSWAN Foundation was on the spotlight at the private violin concert organized by the Collège du Léman with the boarding student Da...
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05 Jun 2019
Daniel Lozakovich's concert in favor of our Fondation
The BLACKSWAN Foundation was on the spotlight at the private violin concert organized by the Collège du Léman with the boarding student Da...
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22 Jan 2019
Support research for GliaPharm
Support research for GliaPharm to uncover the metabolic effect of FOXG1 in astrocytes BLACKSWAN Foundation with the team FOXG1 research a...
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22 Dez 2018
La séquence - un thriller qui parle de génétique
Stefan Catsicas, neurobiologiste, professeur à la faculté de médecine et à l'école polytechnique fédérale avant de devenir entreprene...
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13 Sep 2017
1ère action du Lions Club Lausanne - Horizons
6’000 francs réunis pour les maladies rares aussi dites « orphelines » Orphelines parce qu’elles sont abandonnées négligées p...
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10 Feb 2017
Rare Diseases International Policy Event in Geneva
The right to health: the rare disease perspective A-first-of-its-kind event took place in Geneva, co-organized by BLACKSWAN Foundation, ...
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21 Nov 2016
Vente de sapins
Pour ceux et celles qui souhaitent décorer la maison avec un vrai sapin de Noël, le Lions Club Lausanne-Horizons a été associe...
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